Stardust Starburst


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Guest Post: Anne Rice

Anne Rice to me was a visionary in some sorts that created a world of vampires that lived among the humans. I love her thought process in her novels they helped me find my own way of thinking when i came to writing my own things. Over the years of reading her works gave me more inspiration to write many things that were out of the norms and different from everyone else. I've taken things to the extreme and weird and loved it because i was something that i made up on my own. I've watched the movies made from her books and loved them as much as the books seeing them as ways to picture my characters in my head. Bringing to life my characters is something i take pride in because to me it feels like i'm creating another human being with its own personality and emotions that are all their own. Anne helped me become a better writer and think of the world in a different light or perspective as you call it. but every day i get better and better and i can't wait to see what my final product ends up being. :)


Why does the world need a snuggie?

First appeared in the hit show iCarly the snuggie, The snuggie, a blanket with arm sleaves so you are comfortable and have access to everything and anything while you stay warm.A snuggie, I think not. Its just a backwards robe. Someone literally probably woke up in the middle of the night and went to put on their robe and just put it on backwards, no joke. The 29.99 dollars you spend on this pierd of worthless fabric isnt worth it. You could better spend your money on music and books, just saying. If you spend your money on this backwards robe, you are wasting your hard earned cash. Spend it on something more vauable.

You are Dumb, shut up.

Over my weekend, the days were really fun. I had a blast with my two really good friends during saturday. But there was alot of bull that went on because of a stupid certain guy, who is a creepy stalker, oh and crazy. He is in love with this girl and sits in the halway all by himself and write love notes to her, even though he knows she will never ever in a million years get with him. Well I hope he knows that, because if not he is just more stupid than he already is. On saturday I was laying on my bed watching a movie when my phone started to ring, it was a wierd number I didnt know. I answer and boom. My ear was filled with a deep mans voice, he was yelling at me for saying something I never said. Later on I found out that this guy (whom of which is the stupid as heck one) told him a bunch of stuff that wasnt true, yes I had said one thing but he turned it into a whole big ordeal that was totally not what had came from my mouth. So you can see why he is dumb and should just shut his gross mouth. Anyways, the guy tried to continue to yell at me and cuss at me, but i basically owned him. Because He as well is very stupid. His girlfriend is cool though<3 I love her. Both him and the guy are really dumb and stupid so they should just shut up. But this caused my saturday night to be full of not needed drama, this is why I do not like him anymore.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Imatation Writing

   "Memnoch stopped. He seemed exhausted suddenly. He rose and again walked to the bank of the sea. He stood in the soft sand and pebbles. I saw the outline of his wings flash for a moment, perhaps exactly the way the woman had seen it, and then he was merely the large figure, with his shoulders hunched as he stood with his back to me, his face apparently buried in his hands.
   "Memnoch, what happened!" I said. "Surely God didnt leave you there! What did you do? What happened the next morning when you woke up?"
  He gave a sigh and turned around finally. He walked slowly back to the boulder, and sat down again.
  "By morning, I Had known her a half dozen times and lay half dead, and that in itself was another lesson. But I had no thought whatsoever on what I might do. While she'd slept, I had prayed to God, I had prayed to Michael and to the other angels. I had prayed and prayed, asking what I should do."
"Can you guess who answered me?" He asked.
"The souls in Sheol," I said.
"Yes, precisely! Those are the spirits who answered. How could you know? Those are the spirits--the strongest souls of Sheol who heard My prayers to the Creator and heard the impectus and essence of my cries and my excuses and my pleas for mercy and forgiveness and understanding--heard all of it, absorbed it, drank it up, as they did the spirital yearning of their human and living children. And by the time the sun rose, by the time all the men of the group had started to gather, I knew only one thing:"
  "Whatever happened to me, whatever was the will of God, the souls of SHeol would never be the same! They had learnt too much from the voice of this angel fallen into Matter who had thoughtlessly cried to Heaven and to God"


Westin froze in place, seeming extremely exhausted all of a sudden He rose to his tired swollen feet and walked to the crystal blue sea. There he stood toes wiggling in the sand as the shadow of his silloent casted down onto the sandy pebbles. He sighed, letting his shoulders fall, and glanced over his should motioning for me to come join him.
"What happened? That cant be all of what had be done!" I asked. "Surely your father couldnt have done just that!?"
He inhaled deeply before he spoke. "My father was a man of morals and always had been really relgious. So when I came out to my mother and father about being gay. He shuned me."
"He kicked me out and I started to live with my lover at the time. I would just lay in the bed and cry, my father wanted nothing to do with me anymore. I just layed there, day after day and cried."
"I finally gave up and went to his house. I needed his forgiveness."
He paused to gage my reaction.
"Upon reaching the house I pressed my finger on the doorbell, and well guess who answered?"
"Your grandfather?!"
"Yes, exactly. After having confessed everything to him, he cared even more for me. And he now knkew the hardships my father was putting me through."

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Anne Rice

Vampire Chronicles
Interview with the Vampire (1976)
The Vampire Lestat (1985)
The Queen of the Damned (1988)
The Tale of the Body Thief (1992)
Memnoch the Devil (1995)
The Vampire Armand (1998)
Merrick (2000)
Blood and Gold (2001)
Blackwood Farm (2002)
Blood Canticle (2003)

New Tales of the Vampires
Pandora (1998) (a Vampire Chronicle)
Vittorio the Vampire (1999)

The Lives of the Mayfair Witches
The Witching Hour (1990)
Lasher (1993)
Taltos (1994)

Vampire/Mayfair Crossover
In these novels the Mayfair Witches become part of the Vampire Chronicles world.
Merrick (2000)
Blackwood Farm (2002)
Blood Canticle (2003)

The Life of Christ
Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt (2005)
Christ the Lord: The Road to Cana (2008)
Christ the Lord: the Kingdom of Heaven (in progress)

Songs of the Seraphim
Angel Time (2009)
Of Love and Evil (2010)

Miscellaneous Novels
The Feast of All Saints (1979)The Master of Rampling Gate (Vampire Short Story) (1982)Cry to Heaven (1982)
The Mummy (1989)
Servant of the Bones (1996)
Violin (1997)

Called Out of Darkness: A Spiritual Confession (2008) (autobiographical)

The Author of all of those books, Anne Rice. She is an amazing author and has such a sence of detail that creates her worlds that her books take to live and exsist in. Anne Rice is known for being able to intertwine the real and supernatural world into amazing books that entertain the readers imensly. Her books are full of many different ideas dealing with all the different angels on religion, philosophy, and history with contrasting characters to show all of her ideas in her books. Her words create a foundation for the thrirty plus novels that she has mastered. Anne Rice is amazing, and in my opinion the BEST author out there.

“People who cease to believe in God or goodness altogether still believe in the devil. I don't know why. No, I do indeed know why. Evil is always possible. And goodness is eternally difficult.”
-Anne Rice

"It was as if the empty nights were made for thinking of him. And sometimes I found myself so vividly aware of him it was as if he had only just left the room and the ring of his voice were still there. And somehow, there was a disturbing comfort in that, and, despite myself, I’d envision his face."
-Anne Rice (Interview With a Vampire)

"And then it was, that grief and pain made themselves known to me as never before. Note this, because I knew the full absurdity of Fate and Fortune and Nature more truly than a human can bear to know it. And perhaps the description of this, brief as it is, may give consolation to another. The worst takes its time to come, and then to pass. The truth is, you cannot prepare anyone for this, nor convey an understanding of it through language. It must be known. And this I would wish on no one in the world."
-Anne Rice (Pandora)

Anne compares her religous and political views with her deep discusions inbetween all the different characters by using details that flow through her words with a fluid  ryhthem. Rice also develops her words with many descriptive  phrases and metaphors. Anne Rice's writing is so immaginative and creative, she is one of my favorite authors.


Call me a nerd, I dont care. I am really excited! I finally got my Legiondary Pokemon Zekrom to level 100!! I am so excited. He is so awesome, there are so many new moves I got from leveling him all the way up to 100! Im definately glad that I was able to aquire this pokemon from Jenna and be able to train in all the way up to 100. Im so proud of myself!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Dead Skin

I am broken and I
Am imperfect and I
Am alone now and forever on
I walk along the cobble stone and ponder why I ended the way I did
My life is dead
I listen to the window of my soul, but it seems to be sealed shut not letting anything in, not even me as i
knock on the window pain
I listen to the flutter of the birds that soar past my ears, they don’t fear me, for nothing is in me but air
The shadow of my spirit floats beyond my reach, as I watch my past run be me
the future, I wave goodbye for I know what is to come to the child
pain and dead skin.