Stardust Starburst


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

You are Dumb, shut up.

Over my weekend, the days were really fun. I had a blast with my two really good friends during saturday. But there was alot of bull that went on because of a stupid certain guy, who is a creepy stalker, oh and crazy. He is in love with this girl and sits in the halway all by himself and write love notes to her, even though he knows she will never ever in a million years get with him. Well I hope he knows that, because if not he is just more stupid than he already is. On saturday I was laying on my bed watching a movie when my phone started to ring, it was a wierd number I didnt know. I answer and boom. My ear was filled with a deep mans voice, he was yelling at me for saying something I never said. Later on I found out that this guy (whom of which is the stupid as heck one) told him a bunch of stuff that wasnt true, yes I had said one thing but he turned it into a whole big ordeal that was totally not what had came from my mouth. So you can see why he is dumb and should just shut his gross mouth. Anyways, the guy tried to continue to yell at me and cuss at me, but i basically owned him. Because He as well is very stupid. His girlfriend is cool though<3 I love her. Both him and the guy are really dumb and stupid so they should just shut up. But this caused my saturday night to be full of not needed drama, this is why I do not like him anymore.

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