Stardust Starburst


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Guest Post: Anne Rice

Anne Rice to me was a visionary in some sorts that created a world of vampires that lived among the humans. I love her thought process in her novels they helped me find my own way of thinking when i came to writing my own things. Over the years of reading her works gave me more inspiration to write many things that were out of the norms and different from everyone else. I've taken things to the extreme and weird and loved it because i was something that i made up on my own. I've watched the movies made from her books and loved them as much as the books seeing them as ways to picture my characters in my head. Bringing to life my characters is something i take pride in because to me it feels like i'm creating another human being with its own personality and emotions that are all their own. Anne helped me become a better writer and think of the world in a different light or perspective as you call it. but every day i get better and better and i can't wait to see what my final product ends up being. :)


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