Stardust Starburst


Friday, April 29, 2011

Jeaniene Frost

Jeaniene Frost, Can you say amazing? Ican.

She captures the evil side of being the main charactor, instread of placing all the angst and evil being the other person. Instead of following the quote on quote rule of making the other person that isnt the main character the evil person, she makes her main girl Cat in her hit series Halfway to the grave in my opinion what a main character should be like. Frost causes me to want to create such an interesting relationship with all of the other characters by making my main character be the one with all the anger, and angst. And not the person she falls for (as in most of my stories go) I love how she captures your attention within the first few words of her stories, you cannot go wrong with reading her books. She is amazing. She in on her 6th book for the Halfwat to the Grave series, and she has got me on the edge of my seat through it all. When I write a book, I wish to be like that, Frost envolks such an emotion from her readers that is makes me jump with glee. I love her writings, they make me happy.

An excert from her 5th book in the series called This side of the Grave

"I reached the vampires just as they shoved him out of my line sight. From the frantic internal thumping in the man's chest, he was human. "

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